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Want the Secret to META-MOTIVATION for Yourself or for Motivating Others?

"Claim a FREE Copy of the 'Definitive' Documentary That Shows You the Master-Keys for Meaningful Motivation..."

(And Get a Handle on How You Can Better Motivate Yourself and Better Lead Others)

Get in on DVD or Stream It Now...

I'd like to give you a FREE copy of my brand new documentary film - on DVD to Your Door or Direct Online Streaming

For DVD Just Cover Our Shipping Costs of $6.95 for Australia, $12.95 International | Or to Just See It Online, Cover Our Streaming Cost of $1
THE GREAT AHA! What Is Happiness
Get Your Exclusive Copy of This Feature Documentary and Also Get Over $600 of Bonus Materials!

Like it was stated, this documentary DVD is free. I’ve payed for their duplication, and all I request is to cover the shipping and handling costs of the post office that will bring it to your door, for Australia $6.95 or $12.95 for anywhere in the world.. Alternatively, you can stream it instantly to your phone, desktop or laptop. Just help me cover the third-party streaming costs for $1…  

BONUS 1: The Great Aha! Extended Edition (with One More Hour of Insights) - Valued at $37.00
BONUS 2: Secret Meanings: How to Reclaim a Shinning Experience of Being (A 4-Part Master-Class Series) - Valued at $97.00
BONUS 3: One Exclusive Ticket to the iReawaken 4-Day Live Workshop - Valued at $497.00
Unearthing the Hidden Ideas Behind All That We Think and Do

How Do You Out-Think An Idea That Is Thinking You?

Come On an Adventure For 40 Days Out In The Wilderness, To Better Understand the Most Important Issue of Your Life

What Is the Real Power of an Idea?

Carl Jung, (the founder of analytic psychology) once said,

“People don’t have Ideas. Ideas have people.”

Like in the feature film Inception, could we have deep within us, a virus-like idea that infects and distorts our beliefs about our purpose, our politics, and how we treat our planet?

Could there be a simple enough idea that sources problems like:
… ever-rising depression?
… social alienation and fragmentation?
… and the way we run unsustainable economies that pollute our planet?

What key ideas move us to pursue all that we do?
What is the most influential idea that drives our lives?

These questions are some of the most important that we could ever contemplate. For in when we contemplate these questions, we come in touch with realizations about….

…. where we are going? where we are heading? and ultimately, what is to be our destiny?

Like listening to the voice of the GPS in the car, we tend to automatically follow the inner promptings of our thoughts and whether to go left, or right, or straight… But how many of us have thought about, where is our inner GPS coordinated to go to? And why?

‘The Great Aha!’ documentary is a hack into our ‘inner GPS’, and meditates upon what our inner compass is calibrated to arrive at, why, and for whose benefit…

Like it was stated, this documentary DVD is free.
I’ve payed for their duplication, and all I request is to cover the shipping and handling costs of the post office
that will bring it to your door, for Australia $6.95 or $12.95 for anywhere in the world.. Alternatively, you can stream it instantly
to your phone, desktop or laptop. Just help me cover the third-party streaming costs for $1…  

What Does This Unusual Method That the Great Ancient Sages Practiced, Have To Teach Us About Our 21st Century Problem of Knowing Our Purpose and Meaning in Life?

What If On Your Usual Car Trip Today, By a Freak Accident, This Was Your Last Day On Earth? Would You Have Been Happy With The Life You Lived?

After a near-fatal car accident that made me realize my unhappiness, I decided to take on a 40-day ‘Chilla-Nashini’, out in the Tasmanian wilderness, to figure out my life anew.

There, as going into the recesses of his mind, and listening to the great philosophers from the Age of Enlightenment, I uncovered a fundamental, almost invisible self-deception, that messes our lives up…

It’s quite a simple idea, but because it’s at the ground-floor of all our motivations – it has profound consequences.

Today, we are bombarded by thousands upon thousands of ideas, about what it takes for us to live and have a brighter, happier life…

– from the thousands of advertisements that directly prompt us to buy all kinds of things for more happiness,
– to the thousands of indirect or implicit messages embedded in our conversations, social media posts, podcasts or broadcasts about the way to happiness…

But what do all these messages, direct or implicit, all boil down to?

And what is the real truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth when it comes to our complete good – in living and experiencing a fulfilling, meaningful life?

Begin your journey with ‘The Great Aha!’ and find out…

Like it was stated, this documentary DVD is free.
I’ve payed for their duplication, and all I request is to cover the shipping and handling costs of the post office
that will bring it to your door, for Australia $6.95 or $12.95 for anywhere in the world. Alternatively, you can stream it instantly
to your phone, desktop or laptop. Just help me cover the third-party streaming costs for $1…  

Claim Your FREE DVD/ Steaming Now
Get These FREE Bonuses!

If you’re tired of the superficiality and clichés regarding our mental well-being, this is YOUR FILM!

The Great Aha! is a philosophical investigative documentary, which goes deep into the structure of lasting happiness. Unlike other documentaries on the subject, this film unmasks the limiting world-views that rob us of mental well-being, and reveals the time-tested truths behind lasting fulfillment.

Plus, as a thank you for watching this documentary, you will also receive:

Bonus #1 – The Great Aha! Extended Edition 

How Happiness Ideas (or Maps) Form In Our Minds, and How to Reform Them
(Total Value: $37.00)

Featuring almost one more hour of film content, The Special Extended Edition of The Great Aha! features my internal dialogue on this self-actualization quest.

Based on the journal entries that I kept at the time, the film renders the philosophical and practical application of these ideas, as I saw them at the time… (These ideas are filmed as a heated dialogue between 7 characters, or seven departments of the soul – in the style of the animated film, Inside Out).

Come to understand the implications that our happiness maps have upon our lives and upon society at large, at a whole new level. More important, what are the implications on how we actually become happier and more effectively motivated.

This extended edition is only available here, and exclusive with your download today.

Bonus #2 – Secret Meanings Masterclasses 

How to Recover a Shinning Experience of Being
(Total Value: $97.00)

What Are the Most Important Things to Get Right When Leading, Educating or Parenting? And How Did the Greats in History Crush Conformity, Complacency and Corruption?

In this 4-part masterclass series, ‘Secret Meanings’, John explores the hidden ideas that most often control our thinking, our actions and our well-being, in our current post-modern world.

For there are certain ideas that have been conditioned within us that make us confused, powerless, and ultimately unfulfilled… all while the world is shining around us and ‘love is smiling through all things’.
In this eye-opening series, you’ll come to understand:


Volume 1: what ideas has our educational system conditioned us with – so we see the world in a particular way – and how it is the source of today’s cynicism and current ideological battles;

Volume 2: what vital idea has been hidden from our education, and why without this, we’re lost in a fog of information and are crippled by endless choices;

Volume 3: what dangerous idea is behind the present conviction that we live in a meaningless universe and how did the classical world cut through this illusion;

Volume 4: what critical ideas did J.R.R. Tolkien hide in the best-selling work of the last century, ‘The Lord of the Rings’, and how can we use them to reclaim a shining experience of being.

Bonus #3 – iReawaken 4-Day Workshop 

How to Enhance Your Capacity to Effectively Produce
(Total Value: $497.00

iReawaken is for leaders, entrepreneurs, content creators, consultants and so on – who want get more from themselves and their capacity to lead their life well.

That is, for those who want to increase self-motivation, self-mastery and self-discipline (i.e. self-leadership) in a measurable and meaningful way – as to accomplish all that is possible to accomplish.

Based on the frameworks revealed in ‘The Great Aha!’, iReawaken is an inner leadership 4-day online workshop, that reveals the hierarchy of our personal motivation-inspiration maps.

Within, we expose the inner four levels of performance that we can operate from, and the difference that each level makes – both in terms of the quality of work that we produce, as well as the quality of life that we experience internally.

Unlike other leadership programs, (like by Simon Sinek, Stephen Covey or John Maxwell), which give a general overview of the leadership landscape and how to lead others well, iReawaken looks specifically at our inner leadership dimension… How do we lead ourselves?

iReawaken gets to the heart of the key issue that governs our personal capacity to intentionally motivate ourselves, as to do the good that we need to do long term, yet is not naturally motivating in the short term…

Like it was stated, this documentary DVD is free.
I’ve payed for their duplication, and all I request is to cover the shipping and handling costs of the post office
to bring it to your door, for Australia $6.95 or $12.95 for anywhere in the world. Alternatively, you can stream it instantly
to your phone, desktop or laptop. Just help me cover the third-party streaming costs for $1…  

Oh, and in case you’re wondering…

There is NO CATCH!

There are no hidden clauses attached, no fine-print continuity programs, or anything like that.

So, why do all this? Well, it’s two-fold:

The first reason is because this is my life’s mission. And I know that the more people watch this film, the more we all understand what is the basis of genuine happiness in life – the better our world will become.

This is especially urgent, in a time of ever-growing decline in mental health – which even as we speak, is sourcing ever more troubled systems of education, of economics and of politics.

These insights have potential not only to change your life for the better, but to contribute to the holistic healing of our culture, across board.

And the second reason why I’m doing this, is because I also hope that we can open up a dialogue in the future.

Your attention is not a given, nor can it be expected.

I believe it has to be earned with integrity and trust. This film is my way of showing you something profoundly meaningful for your life journey. So you judge for yourself.

But you do have to act right now! Because I don’t have thousands of DVDs in stock. They’re expensive to burn, and we just burn a few hundred at a time. So, if you’re seeing this page right now, this means there are still some copies in our warehouse.

But when they’re gone, they’re gone.

So if you want your copy, and all the bonuses with it, take action right now. Otherwise, you will miss out on this special opportunity.

Oh, and one last thing, because I really want you to have no reservations about this decision.

The film also comes with a…


We realize there’s a lot to take in, and so the best way to really know, is just to see ‘The Great Aha!’, directly.

Just see it already! Because you have a full 90-day, ‘love it or leave it’ guarantee.

Yes, if for any reason you don’t like this film, just let me know and I’ll refund your entire shipping or streaming cost as well.

Keep the DVD. No need to sent it back. We’ll just refund all your money, no questioned asked.

Just ask for an instant refund on our support page, and that’s it.

Why? Because we’re not jerks! 😉 

Since this project is all about ideas that lead to our total mental wellbeing, the time tested way – we think that it’s only fair and decent that you judge this for yourself, with no risk.

We always honor this. We want you to be happy. This is our core message after all… 😉

So Here Is Everything You’re Going to Get When You Order ‘The Great Aha!’ Today!

DVD of The Great Aha! (And/Or Online Streaming) ---- $19.95 Value
Secret Meanings Master-Classes ------------------------ $97.00 Value
The Great Aha! Extended Edition ------------------------ $37.00 Value
iReawaken 4-Day Virtual Workshop Ticket ---------- $497.00 Value

Total Value: $650.95

Get 'The Great Aha!' Today For


(Just Cover the Small Shipping/ Streaming Cost)

The DVD Shipping Cost for Australia is $6.95 or International $12.95 | For Online Viewing the Streaming Cost is $1

'The Great Aha!' Promotional Release Offer and All The Bonuses Is Strictly For a Limited Time Only - So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before It's Gone

Thank you for visiting this webpage and learning more about this project. I hope you’ll enjoy and be transformed by what you’ll see.

All the best,
John Angheli

P.S. Just to very quickly recap everything that was covered on this page – here’s the offer in short:

To celebrate the release of my brand new feature documentary, I want to send you a DVD copy of ‘The Great Aha! What Is Happiness’ (which retails for $19.95) for FREE, along with 3 tremendous bonuses (also all free). 

The DVD film has been duplicated at my cost, and all I ask is that you cover my shipping costs of getting it to you ($6.95 for Australia or $12.95 International), or cover the online streaming costs for just $1.

There’s no catch, no hidden clauses, no ongoing programs that you’re signing up to, or anything like that. It’s just an introduction to a great project that I hope you’ll recommend to others.

In fact, if you don’t love this film – I’ll even reimburse your shipping or streaming costs (and don’t send the film back).

With that said, all that remains is for you to now click the button and get your copy! 😉 You’ll be glad you did.


The DVD Shipping Cost for Australia is $6.95 or International $12.95 | For Online Viewing the Streaming Cost is $1
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