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The Great Aha of an ‘Unknown Known’

As looking back upon his life as an old man, Robert McNamara, (the US Defence Secretary during the Vietnam War),…

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A Zeitgeist of 21st Century Living

Across society we see an unprecedented convergence of interest upon the subject of happiness (and its opposite). As of January…

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One Way to Summarize this Documentary

'The Great Aha!' is an exploration into the process of enlightenment that humans have attempted throughout history. One way to…

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Behind the Scenes of ‘The Great Aha!’ Extended Edition

'The Great Aha!' - Extended Edition reveals the flowering of the wisdom that emerged during the Age of Enlightenment and…

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The Driving Method – The Chilla Nashini

The idea that our worldviews about happiness affect how we design our personal life choices…the way we treat people near…

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